| 1. | There are valid arguments for a tariff, though they are quite different from those usually given . 有一些赞成关税的论据是可以成立的,虽然它们与通常提出的颇不相同。 |
| 2. | This is a valid argument but it is very much a matter of degree 这个论据是成立的,但这是程度问题。 |
| 3. | Valid arguments are limited to other variables , 4 - byte integers , and the constants 有效参数被限制为其他变量、四字节整数和常数 |
| 4. | In visual basic is passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument ,而该方法不接受空引用为有效参数,则会引发 |
| 5. | A null reference was passed to a method that does not accept it as a valid argument 向不接受空引用作为有效参数的方法传递了一个空引用。 |
| 6. | ) , but stress on the fact that all view points must be supported by facts and / or valid arguments ) ,但要学生明白不能空口说大话,所有看观点必须有事实支持由并且/或者有合法的论据。 |
| 7. | When you type an opening parenthesis for a method , a tooltip window shows valid arguments for each overload of that method 当键入方法的左括号时,将出现一个工具提示窗口,其中显示该方法的各个重载的有效参数。 |
| 8. | Also , when you type an opening parenthesis for a method , visual studio displays valid argument types for each overload of the method 此外,当键入方法的左括号时, visual studio将显示该方法的每个重载的有效参数类型。 |
| 9. | Note that the host must not throw an elementnameinvalid exception when the name parameter is a null pointer , as a null pointer is a valid argument used to request engine - level data 请注意,当名称参数为空指针时,宿主一定不能引发elementnameinvalid异常,因为空指针是用来请求引擎级数据的有效变量。 |
| 10. | A fifth tried to reach the long - desired goal of his ambitiona dinner at the tsars tableby violently espousing one side or another and collecting more or less true and valid arguments in support of it 第五种人则为了达到其久已梦寐以求的宿愿陪皇帝吃饭,拼命地证明一个刚提出的意见的正确或不正确,并为此举出或多或少有些正确和充分的论据。 |